Food Revolution
Toxic Food - The Crisis of these daysWe live in times where our food is not the same, we do not eat the sae as we used to 40 year ago and further back. Fruits and vegetables are poisoned with pesticides and fertilizers as well as genetically modified to compete with the big market and its big demand for products that should look exactly the same in shape and colour and also last longer. Animals also enter into this chapter of the lack of consciousness, they are badly treated as well as feed with industrial food and hormones to make them grow faster. The list would be to large if we were to mention all what is happening in these matters around the world.
What can we do?One of the fundamental pillars of Tambora is to contribute with consciousness towards our food and modern ways of nutrition as well as implementing strategies to develop organic farms free from toxins that doesn't contribute in any way to the improvement of our health. This process also help to bring people closer with each other, animals and nature.
how?To develop this idea we are seeking for professionals with knowledge in different areas of organic farming and permaculture to share their wisdom with communities through workshops and courses like: the creation of small organic gardens, vegetarian/vegan/raw cooking workshops, nutrition and biodynamics. We aim to help communities hard to reach and inspire as many as we can with new concepts of the nutrition for this new times and the importance of the reconnection with nature, including people living in the cities.
Contact us if you are interested to help |